Ladies and Gentlemen,
We are a group of Iranian filmmakers, journalists and artists who believes you „The Green Party Germany“ are responsible in Akbar Gandji`s hunger strike that has now exceeds 55 days.
You as a political party have the authority to take concrete actions for his freedom. One such action could be to instruct your ambassador in Iran to personally meet with Mr Ganji and ask for his unconditional freedom officially.
Due to Mr Ganj is dying condition we urge you to do all you could to achieve his freedom in the next 48 hours, otherwise we begin protests including hunger strikes an all other forms of peaceful demonstrative actions.
We would specifically use your election headquarters to strike our demonstrative activities.
Yours sincerely
Kia Kiarostami (Filmproduzent)
Arman Nadjm (Filemacher)
Mohamad Pasdar (TV-Redaktuer)
Farhad Payar (Theatermacher und Journalist)
Jalal Sarfaraz (Journalist)
Behdad Kazemi(Journalist)
Daryush Shokof (Filmemacher und Maler)